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API Reference

Function: styled​


The styled function is used to create a fast styled component. It allows you to apply styles, variants, and properties to a given component and returns the enhanced styled component.


  • Component The component to be styled.

  • styledObject An object containing styles, variants, and properties to apply to the component.

Return Value​

A fast styled component that incorporates the specified styles, variants, and properties.


The styled function takes two arguments, the Component and the styledObject. The styledObject should be an object that contains the following properties:

  • variants (optional) An object that contains different variants as keys. Each variant, in turn, has options as keys. Each option is an object of styles.

  • compoundVariants (optional) An object where the key is the composition of two variants, and the content of each key is the styles to apply.

  • attributes (optional) An object containing attributes to be applied to the component.

  • styleProps (optional) An object containing style properties to be mapped to the component.

  • defaultVariants (optional) An object specifying the default variants for the component.

Internal Implementation​

The styled function internally uses the provided styledObject to generate a style map and resolves keys and styles for the given component based on the provided props.

Function: createTheme​


Creates a new theme object based on the provided theme and freezes it.


  • theme The theme object to create a new theme from.

Return Value​

A new theme object that is based on the provided theme, with all properties frozen.

Function: mergeTheme​


Merges two theme objects and returns the resulting merged theme object, which is then frozen.


  • themeA The first theme object to be merged.

  • themeB The second theme object to be merged.

Return Value​

A merged theme object that combines the properties from both themeA and themeB, with all properties frozen.

Function: extendDefaultTheme​


Extends the default theme object with the provided theme object and returns the resulting merged theme object, which is then frozen.


  • theme The theme object to extend the default theme with.

Return Value​

An extended theme object that includes properties from both the default theme and the provided theme, with all properties frozen.

Custom Hook: useMode​


A custom hook to access the current mode and its setter function from the context.

Return Value​

An array containing the current mode and its setter function.

Provider Component: ModeProvider​


A provider component to wrap the components that need access to the mode context.


  • children (ReactNode): The children components that need access to the mode context.

Return Value​

The wrapped component tree with access to the mode context.